Community Emergency Response
The concept of an Community Emergency Response team is an interesting one that could be used to search for people with dementia among other emergencies.
The concept of an Community Emergency Response team is an interesting one that could be used to search for people with dementia among other emergencies.
SAR teams on the North Shore are attempting to reproduce a crowdsourced SAR effort pioneered in 2010 on a massive 16 day long search.
Whistler SAR’s annual grant was denied, illustrating one of the many flaws in BC’s SAR funding model
The Current, CBC’s national show, did a broadcast on Dementia and I decided to write a letter outlining some of my own opinins.
Province of BC has a Dementia Action plan that makes no mention of prevention, education or response to subjects that wander, a life threatening situation.
I presented at the Unmanned Systems Canada conference in Vancouver on the operational use of UAVs for Search and Rescue.
My presentation from SARScene 2013 on Social Media and SAR Operations #SMSAR
I’d like to introduce a new hastag to further the discussion of Social Media in Search and Rescue: #SMSAR
Family resumes a search for missing people from 2010. If you get in trouble in the BC backcountry, There’s always the possibility you will never be found.
The new map created by the District of North Van for the Knee Knacker race has some serious flaws that limit its usefulness for navigation.