Most popular posts 2015
The most popular posts on my blog for the year 2015 are, with one exception, posts that I wrote in previous years. I don’t know what that says about my blogging this year – perhaps I am getting worse or …
The most popular posts on my blog for the year 2015 are, with one exception, posts that I wrote in previous years. I don’t know what that says about my blogging this year – perhaps I am getting worse or …
For my 300th blog post I thought I would look back on the last few years, and write about why I do this in the first place.
Over the weekend I changed the theme of the blog. For those interested, the previous theme was Skeleton from Simple Themes. It’s a free, open source, responsive HTML5 theme based on the skeleton framework. The new theme is called Responsive from ThemeID. …
I installed a forum on the blog as an experiment in allowing readers to create their own topics for discussion.
Some relatives were in town and we visited the Squamish Lilwat Cultural Centre where I found my favourite plant. Very nice icon, kind of captures the prickly nature of the plant quite well. I’ve also seen the name spelled Ch atiyay but …
Some musings on the end of the year and what’s coming in the next.
A few years ago by partner’s dad died of complications from Prostate Cancer. It’s a terrible disease. Donate via Movember to stop this disease
The blogging wars are over, and WordPress won, deal with it. At least that’s what I tell myself. There’s lots of choices in the blogging world, but for a basic blog like what I write, WordPress is where it’s ad. …
On a non-SAR, non blog note, I’ve been using Facebook and Twitter a bit, mostly for the same thing. Every once in a while I come across an article on another site that’s related to what I write about, or …