Calculating your own GPS accuracy
How to calculate the accuracy of your own GPS
Your GPS is lying or, at the very least, you’re probably misinterpreting what it’s saying
BC’s life expectancy is the highest in Canada and for men the highest in the world. Could this be because we spend so much time outdoors?
A map plotting the location of all of the SAR incidents in BC for 2011 and 2012, including the location of each team in BC.
In some posts on this blog I make a big deal about things like “error” and “uncertainty”; I’ve used these terms when describing points on a map that are generated from a GPS, and in describing statistics pertaining to accidents …
In my article on snowshoe accidents, I noted that snowshoeing seemed to be growing in popularity, but could not find an industry reference on the numbers involved. Well, I found one that tracks numbers for the American market. The Outdoor …
I analysed some numbers on SAR Incidents in British Columbia and made a few graphs showing how the frequency of incidents changes with the season.
Comparing SAR incident volumes in BC to those in other provinces. BC has more than the rest of Canada combined
Most searches are short; someone goes missing and we head out and find them, someone calls on a cell phone and we guide them in, or we do a medical response. We divide searches into operational periods, a fancy term …