Some numbers on a large search
Most searches are short; someone goes missing and we head out and find them, someone calls on a cell phone and we guide them in, or we do a medical response. We divide searches into operational periods, a fancy term …
Most searches are short; someone goes missing and we head out and find them, someone calls on a cell phone and we guide them in, or we do a medical response. We divide searches into operational periods, a fancy term …
Some advice on what to do when everything goes to hell.
A word cloud generated from the BC Search and Rescue Incident Summaries shows us how we describe search and rescue in BC
The south coast of BC (an area encompassing the Fraser Valley, Sea to Sky and Sunshine Coast) is known for rain in the winter months, and with altitude, snow. A rule of thumb states that every 1000 feet of elevation …
The InfoSAR project: to gather statistics and analyse search and rescue data for British Columbia
A review of snowshoe accidents in BC reveals that snowshoers are more likely to die in a slip and fall than in an avalanche.
The couple left their house to walk the dog in the late afternoon, a little later than they had intended. It was winter, and the day had got away from them, but the dog needed a walk. They began on …
Continued from Part 1 So I’ve been trained to dangle under a helicopter, and it’s fun. However, like a lot of things in SAR, it’s all fun until it’s for real. And this brings me to the second surprise I …