Terrible thoughts
What if the last human contact a subject has is with me?
My friend Richard Laing of Ridge Meadows SAR has written an analysis of missing subjects with dementia in the Metro Vancouver area. View the document here.
Over the weekend I changed the theme of the blog. For those interested, the previous theme was Skeleton from Simple Themes. It’s a free, open source, responsive HTML5 theme based on the skeleton framework. The new theme is called Responsive from ThemeID. …
Since I can’t be skiing today, I find these animated GIFs of snow to be calming, both from Head Like an Orange.
We put together a memorial web site for Rollie at http://rolandwebbmemorial.wordpress.com
After many years of development, my mapping project TrueNorth is in beta testing.
Living in the Southwest of British Columbia, we are often mocked for our mild weather, and our inability to drive in snow. Reading an old friend’s blog over the past few days, however, has stressed just how different the north …
We did our first search without you today brother. As I was clearing the status board, your call sign was still there. Coquitlam 65, Coquitlam 65, this is Coquitlam Command. 65, Command, how do you read? Coquitlam command, hearing …
A known GPS dilution of accuracy event will occur tomorrow (January 16) from 14:15 to 14:45 local time.
Canadian Military considers charging for disaster relief; is cost recovery every a good idea for emergency response?