Are “selfies” hazardous?
From a Search and Rescue perspective none of the reasons for climbing a mountain makes a damn bit of difference when you’re rolling someone into a body bag and flying them off a mountain in a cargo net
From a Search and Rescue perspective none of the reasons for climbing a mountain makes a damn bit of difference when you’re rolling someone into a body bag and flying them off a mountain in a cargo net
Over the new years long weekend our team was called out to assist Ridge Meadows SAR for a missing person in Golden Ears Park. Unfortunately the task ended in a fatality. Since I decided to try “vlogging” (Video Blogging) this year, I …
Musings about knowledge and the things you canèt put in your pack.
Hundreds of people die of drowning every year because they are not wearing life jackets.
The BC Coroner’s service has identified the foot found in Sasamat lake as belonging to a person that Coquitlam SAR searched for 25 years ago.
SAR Team members believe the foot that was found at Sasamat Lake recently belonged to a missing fisherman they searched for in 1987
The ninth foot in four years has shown up in Sasamat Lake. Since the foot is in a freshwater lake, it probably didn’t drift very far.