SARScene 2012 Presentation
This year I gave a presentation titled “Best Practices in Managing Geospatial Data for SAR Teams”
This year I gave a presentation titled “Best Practices in Managing Geospatial Data for SAR Teams”
Measuring the accuracy of a Smartphone GPS, showing that it is signifcantly less accurate than a wilderness GPS
Why posting to Social Media when you are lost is a very very stupid thing to do
Some recent news reports contain conflicting information on Cell phones and GPS reliability for SAR use, I attempt to clarify
A discussion of various ways SAR members can use smartphones
The biggest energy drain in a smart phone other than the cellular radio is the screen. Advice on how to best use this information, and preserve battery life
I’d like to direct people to Will Gadd’s article on the SPOT Connect. I’ve previously written how smartphones should not be used as a primary navigation device for backcountry travelers. Will points out that the SPOT connect, when paired with …
Smart phones are problematic for backcountry navigation; they are fagile, have terrible battery life, and are less accurate than a wilderness GPS unit.
An article about recording and transmitting geographic coordinates accurately.