Would signs help?
Would signs indicating how many people die in gullies on the North Shore each year help inform people about the dangers of skiing beyond the ropes?
Would signs indicating how many people die in gullies on the North Shore each year help inform people about the dangers of skiing beyond the ropes?
Some initial comments on the 10 million funding announcement for BCSARA today. Putting the money where it belongs First off, a 10 million dollar disbursement from the government to the BC Search and Rescue Association puts right up front the message …
Cypress Mountain has posted signage indicating anyone calling for rescue could be charged a “fee” of $1000. Why this policy is extremely misguided.
The family of a Canadian man missing in Australia posted $100,000 reward for his recovery alive or dead. Amateurs from all over converge on site.
A friend emailed me recently to ask if there was a co-relation between rescues and subjects wearing GoPro cameras, which got me thinking…
Comments on an excellent letter to the Vancouver Sun regarding the nature of risk, adventure, and the right of the individual to take risks
People are still under the impression a Smart Phone can replace a GPS in the wilderness, and they’re still wrong.
The WorkSafeBC report into a SAR Volunteer’s death is boiled down into headlines before the upcoming inquest.
The Victoria Times Colonist asks if there’s leeway for first responders to be heroes, indicating they do not understand Emergency Response
In an article in this month’s Maclean’s magazine rescuers at Elliot Lake tell their story; it seems that the media and the public were wrong