Fungi and the smell of death
A tale of a search, a smell and laying the blame on fungi.
A veteran SAR volunteer's experiences in British Columbia
A tale of a search, a smell and laying the blame on fungi.
Some recent news reports contain conflicting information on Cell phones and GPS reliability for SAR use, I attempt to clarify
I’d like to preface this post by saying I’m not against either of the following projects, neither am I a proponent. I do however have some observations. Recently two projects have reached the”public input” stage. A Gondola! The first is …
SAR uses whistle blasts to help find missing people in the bush, but there’s a bird that sounds just like a Fox 40 whistle.
Satellite Phones may not have 911 capability; users should know what number to call for rescue
The government is going to modify the Garibaldi Park Management plan again. The plan is what sets the direction fo what’s allowed and not allowed in the park, and this change is specific to the area around Whistler/Blackcomb. The public’s …
The author wonders why there’s a discrepancy between the avalanche bulletin written by the CAC and Whistler/Blackcomb.
I’d like to formally announce my new venture: mapping software for backcountry enthusiasts and professionals: TrueNorth Geospatial
The BC Coroner’s service has identified the foot found in Sasamat lake as belonging to a person that Coquitlam SAR searched for 25 years ago.
Some musings on the differences between hazard, risk and consequences as they relate to risk management in search and rescue.