The idiocy of using social media to call for help

Why posting to Social Media when you are lost is a very very stupid thing to do
A veteran SAR volunteer's experiences in British Columbia
Why posting to Social Media when you are lost is a very very stupid thing to do
Why proposing that the subject faked his or her death is like saying they have Lupus. It’s never Lupus.
Some notes from a recent search near Pitt Lake and musings on using a GPS track as a logbook.
Musings about how to select a sleeping back for a hypothermia treatment kit.
Some relatives were in town and we visited the Squamish Lilwat Cultural Centre where I found my favourite plant. Very nice icon, kind of captures the prickly nature of the plant quite well. I’ve also seen the name spelled Ch atiyay but …
It’s not easy making poster for a missing person unless you’ve done some preparation. Two methods are presented for making the missing poster.
Some initial thoughts on managing my first large search; one with a happy outcome
The Victoria Times Colonist asks if there’s leeway for first responders to be heroes, indicating they do not understand Emergency Response
Climate change means less stable weather, and more disasters. We have to be more efficient at managing emergencies.
In an article in this month’s Maclean’s magazine rescuers at Elliot Lake tell their story; it seems that the media and the public were wrong