Crowdsourced SAR Presentation

Crowdsourced SAR Presentation

I presented “Crowdsourced Search and Rescue: A case study and analysis of a recent search in Southwestern British Columbia” on October 30th at SARScene 2011.

Download the presentation or view it below.

Contact me if you have any questions about the presentation.

Crowdsourced SAR

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The following are additional resources and links


Hellerstein, Joseph M. and Tennenhouse, David L. Searching for Jim Gray: A Technical Overview, Communications of the ACM Vol. 54 No. 7, Pages 77-87

Hellerstein, J.M. and Tennenhouse, D.L. Searching for Jim Gray: A Technical Overview, Technical Report UCB/EECS-2010-142. EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, December 2010

S. Friess, 50,000 Volunteers Join Distributed Search for Steve Fossett, Wired News, September 2007.

S. Friess, Online Fossett Searchers Ask, Was It Worth It?, Wired News, November 2007

Wightman, D. Crowdsourcing Human-Based Computation, in Proceedings of NordiCHI 2010. ACM press 2010

L. von Ahn and L. Dabbish. Labeling images with a computer game. CHI ’04, pages 319–326,  New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2004.

L. von Ahn, B. Maurer, C. McMillen, D. Abraham, and M. Blum, reCAPTCHA: Human-Based character recognition via web security measures, Science, vol. 321, no. 5895, pp. 1465-1468, Sep. 2008.

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